How I fixed my short game yips and how you can too. Part 2.

Well that’s because I was a ‘Yipper’ for 12 years until I finally decided that enough was enough and this frustration and ultimately embarrassment had to stop.It was then that I started out on my journey to to find out the true cause of this uncontrollable ( twitch, jerk, stutter, electric shock,stammer – insert word of your choice) feeling I seem to get just when I don’t need it.

Through many hours of trial and error and extensive research taking into account a wide range of subjects including Hypnosis,short game technique, wedge design, EFT,and nutrition I am now at the stage where my golf has improved, I am more confident and much happier in everything I do not just golf.But despite the worries and stress that the Yips where causing me now disappearing, my hairline is still migrating to the back of my head at an alarming rate. I think that just might be my next quest.

Follow this series of posts to help you get the short game you always wanted.

Mark Heinemann
PGA AA Golf Professional

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